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An on-line video education programme for couples with twins: a qualitative study
  1. OP O'Donovan1,
  2. HK Walters1,
  3. MJ Taylor1,2,
  4. A Phillips1
  1. 1Southwest Peninsular Deanery, Exeter, UK
  2. 2Peninsular Medical School, Exeter, UK


The counselling of women and couples with multiple pregnancies is difficult for both clinician and patient, particularly within the setting of a typical busy antenatal clinic. It requires the imparting of many complicated and potentially frightening medical concepts in non-medicalised language in an understandable and reassuring manner.

The authors performed a small qualitative study of expectant mothers at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital which demonstrated poor knowledge and awareness of key issues related to multiple pregnancy. The authors also sought the views of women having and having had twins at a local ‘twins club’. The authors formed a multiprofessional team, including obstetricians and various specialist midwives, and formulated a tailored antenatal counselling and parentcraft programme which was accessible and relevant using modern media technology. Couples were given a DVD or links to an online video (YouTube), enabling the couple and their family to access and digest carefully provided information at a time, pace and place suited to them, as often as they would like. The authors received positive feedback from parents and clinicians, who found this to be a useful resource. The authors will use feedback to refine and expand the package, and will consider enlisting help from experts in other fields to help with non-other important issues for example finance and psychiatric.

The authors believe that this novel approach will improve couples understanding of the challenges of multiple pregnancy.

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