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PA.19 Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in pregnancy and estimated impact of changing population trends in the evolving town of Milton Keynes, UK
  1. S Jindal,
  2. J Liddie
  1. Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Milton Keynes, UK


Background According to National Diabetes Information Service, current prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Milton Keynes (MK) is 6.5% which is expected to rise to 7.5% by 2020 if the current trends in population change and ethnicity variation persist.

Statistics The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in pregnant women in MK was 1.6% in 2010, 2.4% in 2011, 3.9% in 2012 and 4.8% in 2013.

Aim To look at the distribution of body mass index (BMI) and ethnicity in the 190 pregnant women treated as gestational diabetics amongst the total 3958 pregnant women booked for antenatal care in MK during a period of 12 months (within a year 2012–2013).

Results Comparison of Body Mass Index (BMI) in women with DM in pregnancy (Figure 1) revealed that 7% had BMI of >40 kg/m2, 12% had 35–40, 19% had 30–35, 33% had 25–30, 27% had 18–25 and none had <18 BMI. In 2% cases BMI was not recorded. Almost 60% of these women had BMI <30 but had DM in pregnancy which could be due to other risk factors.

In total (190) diabetic women, it was observed that women with Asian and African background had increased prevalence of DM as compared to those with English and European background as seen in Figure 2.

Conclusion In Milton Keynes, there is approximately 1% increase in incidence of DM in pregnancy every year. This could be because of changing population trends of this evolving town. If this trend were to continue, it will be seen in 10% by 2018 which will have greater implications on local health demands.


  1. National diabetes information service (2013) Diabetes prevalence in Milton Keynes UA.

  2. Public Health England (2013) Child and Maternal Health Observatory: Health Profiles 2013

  3. Public Health England (2013) Child and Maternal Intelligence Network: Health Profiles 2013

  4. Diabetes UK (2010) Diabetes in the UK 2010: Key statistics on diabetes.

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