Table 2

Associations between HR <100 bpm at 60 s after birth, newborn characteristics, treatment and short-term outcomes

HR <100 bpm at 60 s (n=162)HR ≥100 bpm at 60 s (n=4210)Total (n=4372)
P value
First HR (bpm)100 (80, 137)149 (114, 173)<0.001
Time to first HR (s)18 (12, 33)15 (10, 24)<0.001
HR at 30 s (bpm)120 (92, 156)170 (146, 187)<0.001
HR at 60 s (bpm)88 (80, 94)175 (157, 189)<0.001
Gestational age (weeks)40.1 (38.8, 40.9)40.3 (39.3, 41.0)0.080
Birth weight (kg)3.59 (3.25, 3.90)3.58 (3.24, 3.91)0.740
 Female, number (%)80 (49)2093 (50)
 Male, number (%)82 (51)2117 (50)
Apgar 1 min9 (9, 9)9 (9, 9)<0.001
Apgar 5 min10 (9, 10)10 (10, 10)<0.001
Apgar 10 min10 (10, 10)10 (10, 10)<0.001
Umbilical arterial pH7.25 (7.19, 7.29)7.24 (7.19, 7.29)0.754
Time to cord clamping (s)273 (189, 373)307 (232, 400)0.004
Mode of delivery<0.001
 Spontaneous vaginal121 (75%)3304 (78%)
 Vacuum7 (4%)543 (13%)
 Forceps2 (1%)17 (<1%)
 Elective caesarean2 (1%)42 (1%)
 Acute caesarean25 (15%)238 (6%)
 Vaginal breech5 (3%)66 (2%)
Delivery room PPV29 (18%)93 (2%)<0.001
Admission to the NICU32 (20%)367 (9%)<0.001
Tracheal intubation0 (0%)2 (<1%)
Chest compressions1 (<1%)0 (0%)
Hypothermia treatment0 (0%)3 (<1%)
HIE2 (1%)9 (<1%)
Death before discharge1 (<1%)0 (0%)
  • HR, gestational age, births weight, Apgar and umbilical arterial pH is given as median (quartiles). Delivery room PPV, tracheal intubation, chest compressions, admission to the NICU, hypothermia treatment and HIE as number (%).

  • HIE, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy; HR, heart rate; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; PPV, positive pressure ventilation.