Table 3

Summary of findings table for secondary outcomes: respiratory outcomes

Threshold 30%Threshold 40%Threshold 50%Threshold 60%
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Studies: 8
Participants: 3003
113 per 1000 (11.3%)
OR 1.39
(0.87 to 2.24)
Network estimate
38 more per 1000
(13 fewer to 109 more)
OR 0.77
(0.37 to 1.58)
Network estimate
24 fewer per 1000
(68 fewer to 55 more)
OR 0.93
(0.74 to 1.16)
Network estimate
7 fewer per 1000
(27 fewer to 16 more)
OR 1.02
(0.72 to 1.45)
Network estimate
2 more per 1000
(30 fewer to 43 more)
Quality of evidence:
⊕◯◯◯ Very low *†‡
Based on 279 participants
(1 RCT)
Based on 460 participants
(3 RCTs)
Based on 1469 participants
(2 RCTs)
Based on 795 participants
(2 RCTs)
Chronic lung disease
Studies: 9
Participants: 2740
284 per 1000
OR 1.48
(0.82 to 2.63)
Network estimate
86 more per 1000
(40 fewer to 227 more)
OR 1.05
(0.63 to 1.64)
Network estimate
10 more per 1000
(84 fewer to 110 more)
OR 4.08
(0.77 to 35.45)
Network estimate
334 more per 1000
(50 fewer to 650 more)
OR 0.59
(0.28 to 1.22)
Network estimate
94 fewer per 1000
(185 fewer to 42 more)
Quality of evidence
⊕◯◯◯ Very low *†‡
Based on 1504 participants
(2 RCTs)
Based on 855 participants
(4 RCTs)
Based on 153 participants
(1 RCT)
Based on 228 participants
(2 RCTs)
Studies: 13
Participants: 5142
171 per 1000
OR 1.45
(0.95 to 2.21)
Network estimate
59 more per 1000
(7 fewer to 142 more)
OR 0.91
(0.54 to 1.41)
Network estimate
13 fewer per 1000
(71 fewer to 54 more)
OR 0.96
(0.59 to 2.00)
Network estimate
6 fewer per 1000
(63 fewer to 121 more)
OR 0.86
(0.47 to 1.34)
Network estimate
21 fewer per 1000
(83 fewer to 45 more)
Quality of evidence
⊕◯◯◯ Very low *†‡
Based on 1783 participants
(3 RCTs)
Based on 1014 participants
(5 RCTs)
Based on 1469 participants
(2 RCTs)
Based on 876 participants
(3 RCTs)
Studies: 14
Participants: 5290
33 per 1000
OR 2.41
(0.61 to 10.48)
Network estimate
43 more per 1000
(13 fewer to 232 more)
OR 1.26
(0.42 to 3.97)
Network estimate
8 more per 1000
(19 fewer to 87 more)
OR 0.81
(0.19 to 3.47)
Network estimate
6 fewer per 1000
(27 fewer to 74 more)
OR 2.05
(0.50 to 10.72)
Network estimate
33 more per 1000
(16 fewer to 237 more)
Quality of evidence
⊕◯◯◯ Very low *†§
Based on 1783 participants
(3 RCTs)
Based on 1014 participants
(5 RCTs)
Based on 1617 participants
(3 RCTs)
Based on 876 participants
(3 RCTs)
  • All results are reported as OR with 95% credible intervals.

  • *The trials were all had some concerns or were at high risk of bias.

  • †There was significant heterogeneity.

  • ‡This is a surrogate outcome or was an indirect comparison.

  • §Less than 300 events in combined groups.

  • RCT, randomised controlled trial.