Table 1

Characteristics and findings of the eligible studies that performed vestibular-specific assessments

First author, year, countryStudy designNN with hearing loss (HL)*Age (mean)†Mode of vestibular assessmentSTROBE qualityVision
2015, France20
R Cohort22 ScCMV
30 AcCMV
48 (18 ears with MI/MO HL; 68 ears with SE/PR)
CI use not reported
34.7 monthsCaloric
LowNot assessed
  • 90.4% (47) had canal dysfunction (caloric, EVAR, HIT) and 86.5% had otolith dysfunction (OVAR, cVEMP).

  • 30.8% (16) had bilateral areflexia (lack of response) to all tests, 40.4% (21) had partial bilateral dysfunction and 21.1% (11) had unilateral dysfunction.

  • 50% (7 out of 14) had progressive deterioration in vestibular function a mean follow-up period of 26.3 months.

Dhondt, 2019, Belgium23 Case Series4 ScCMV
5 SE/PR (3 using CI)2–7.3 yearsvHIT
Rotatory test
LowNot assessed
  • 80% (4) had peripheral vestibular dysfunction (2 unilateral, 2 bilateral)

  • 2 had vestibular deficit established before cochlear implant surgery

  • Vestibular function can fluctuate; vestibular symptoms are episodic.

Dhondt, 2021, Belgium19 P Cohort41 ScCMV
52 AcCMV
3 AcCMV (1 MO, 2 SE/PR)
14 ScCMV (1 MO, 13 SE/PR) ≥3 using CI
7.2 monthsvHIT
Rotatory Test cVEMP
  • 22% (9) ScCMV and 8% (4) AcCMV had vestibular loss (7 unilateral, 6 bilateral)

  • 10% (6 out of 61) had deterioration in vestibular function over mean follow-up period of 10.2 months.

  • 3.8% (2) AcCMV and 2.3% (1) ScCMV had abnormal funduscopy.

Inoue, 2013, Japan17 P Cohort8 cCMV8 PR (pre-CI)38 monthsDamped Rotatory test
Moderate-lowNot assessed
  • 40% (2 out of 5) had abnormal rotation test (1 unilateral, 1 bilateral).

  • 33% (2 out of 6) had abnormal caloric response (1 unilateral, 1 bilateral).

  • 67% (4 out of 6) had abnormal VEMP response (1 unilateral, 3 bilateral).

  • 13% (1) had delayed head control and 25% (2) had delayed independent walking.

Karltorp, 2014, Sweden22 Case–control6 ScCMV
20 AcCMV
13 Controls (Cx26)
26 SE (post-CI) cCMV
13 SE (post-CI) controls
7.8 yearsMovement ABC-2
Moderate-LowVisual acuity
Ocular alignment
  • 88% (23 out of 26) had balance disturbance.

  • 90% (9 out of 10) had abnormal caloric response (five unilateral, 4 bilateral).

  • 20% (5) had unilateral ocular pathology (mainly chorioretinal scars).

Laccourreye, 2015, France18 R Cohort15 cCMV15 PR (pre-CI)14–36 monthsCaloricModerate-lowInvestigation not specified
  • 80% (12) had areflexia (4 unilateral, 8 bilateral).

  • 20% (3) had ophthalmic abnormality. No further details reported.

Maes, 2017, Belgium21 Cross-sectional16 ScCMV
8 cCMV negative controls
8 Cx26
8 ScCMV (R ear 80 dB SD 27; L ear 68.8 SD 39.3)*
0 using CI
6.7 monthscVEMPModerateVisual-motor integration (Peasbody Developmental Motor Scale)
  • 57% (4 out of 7) ScCMV with HL had no cVEMP response (1 unilateral, 3 bilateral).

  • 14% (1 out of 7) ScCMV with NH had no cVEMP response (1 unilateral).

  • 100% (8) AcCMV had normal cVEMP response.

  • ScCMV with HL had significantly gross lower motor scores compared with all other groups.

Pappas, 1983, USA24 Case–control19 AcCMV
17 cCMV negative controls
14 (1 MI, 1 MO, 12 SE/PR)
CI use not reported
41 monthsCaloricModerate–lowNot assessed
  • 80% (4 out of 5) AcCMV with normal hearing had hypoactive/absent caloric responses (3× unilateral, 1× bilateral).

  • 50% (3 out of 6) AcCMV with HL had hypoactive/absent caloric responses (1× unilateral, 2× bilateral).

  • 8 patients could not have vestibular function confirmed.

Paul, 2017, France16 R Cohort3 ScCMV
8 (2 MO, 6 PR/total HL)
CI use not reported
18 monthsCanal and otolithic testsModerate-lowNot reported
  • 25% (2) had vestibular dysfunction.

  • Ophthalmological examination findings not reported.

  • No further details available.

Pinninti, 2021, USA11 Case–control40 AcCMV
33 cCMV negative controls
7 (2 MI, 2 MO/SE, 2 PR, 1 not reported)
CI use not reported
7.52 yearsRotatory test
ModerateVestibulo-visual tract
Gaze stability
  • 44.8% (13/29) had low VOR on rotatory chair testing.

  • 44.7% (17 out of 38) had a diminished or absent cVEMP response (10 unilateral, 7 bilateral).

  • 48.7% (19 out of 39) had difficulty maintaining stable vision during head movement.

  • Up to 50% had difficulties maintaining balance.

Strauss, 1985, USA9 P Cohort6 ScCMV
3 ScCMV (SE)
CI use not reported
22 months–8.5 yearsCaloricLowNot assessed
  • 50% (3) ScCMV normal neurodevelopment.

  • 50% (3) ScCMV with HL had abnormal vestibular responses to caloric test (2 unilateral, 1 bilateral).

Zagólski 2007, Poland10 Case–control10 ScCMV
16 AcCMV
40 cCMV negative controls
8 ScCMV ears (SE/PR)
CI use not reported
3 monthsCaloric
ModerateNot assessed
  • 60% (12/20) ScCMV ears had no cVEMP response.

  • 12.5% (4/32) AcCMV ears had absent caloric response.

  • 60% (12/20) ScCMV ears had absent caloric response.

  • No pathological finding on clinical examination.

  • Study design: R=retrospective; P=prospective.

  • Hearing loss=severity reported where available.

  • For mode of vestibular assessment, please see appendix A for glossary of vestibular and balance investigations.

  • Findings: (n)=number of cCMV cases out of N, where number of children tested is different to N, (n out of….) is reported.

  • *Where only mean decibel (dB) hearing threshold was reported, this can be interpreted as: <20 dB=normal; 21–40 dB=mild; 41–70 dB=moderate; 71–90 dB=severe; 91–119 dB=profound (Bernard, 2015).

  • †Range (where mean not reported).

  • ABC, assessment battery for children; AcCMV, asymptomatic cCMV; BOT-2, bruininks-oseretsky test of motor proficiency, second edition (BOT-2); cDVA, clinical dynamic visual acuity; CI, cochlear implant; cVEMP, cervical vestibular myogenic evoked potential; Cx26, connexin 26 mutation; EVAR, earth vertical axis rotation; HL, hearing loss; MI, mild; MO, moderate; N, number of cCMV cases; NH, normal hearing; OVAR, off vertical axis rotation; oVEMP, ocular vestibular myogenic evoked potential; P, prospective; PR, profound; R, retrospective; ScCMV, symptomatic CMV; SE, severe; SOT, sensory organisation test; SVV, subjective visual vertical; vHIT, video head impulse testing ; VOR, vestibulo-ocular reflex.