Table 1

Clinical demographics and characteristics of all the infants by outcome

All infants (n=57)
Median (IQR)
Normal outcome
Median (IQR)
Abnormal outcome
Median (IQR)
P value*
GA (weeks)28.9 (26.5–30.4)29.0 (26.6–30.5)28.6 (26.4–29.9)0.447
BW (g)1160 (850–1445)1185 (890–1563)1140 (625–1335)0.084
Apgar score 1 min7 (5–8)7 (5–8)6 (4–8)0.052
Apgar score 5 min8 (7–9)9 (7–9)8 (7–9)0.056
CRIB II7 (4–10)7 (3–10)8 (4–12)0.363
Initial pH7.23 (7.19–7.29)7.23 (7.18–7.28)7.24 (7.18–7.34)0.427
  n (%)  n (%)  n (%)P value
 Male35 (61)25 (63)10 (59)1
IUGR8 (14)3 (8)5 (29)0.043
 Normal34 (60)23 (58)11 (65)0.089
 IVH grade 1/216 (28)14 (35)2 (12)
 IVH grade 3/46 (11)3 (8)3 (18)
 cPVL1 (2)0 (0)1 (6)
 Sepsis27 (47)16 (40)11 (65)0.146
 Necrotising enterocolitis10 (18)7 (18)3 (18)1
 Chronic lung disease19 (33)13 (33)6 (35)1
 Retinopathy of prematurity2 (4)1 (3)1 (6)0.511
 AEDs2 (4)1 (3)1 (6)0.511
 Morphine4 (25)8 (20)6 (35)0.314
  • *Mann-Whitney U test.

  • †Fisher’s exact test.

  • AEDs, antiepileptic drugs (first-line AED of choice, administered intravenously as a loading dose of 20 mg/kg); BW, birth weight; cPVL, cystic periventricular leukomalacia; CRIB II, Clinical Risk Index for Babies II; GA, gestational age; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage.