Table 1

Categories of resource use and associated unit costs used in the cost analysis (expressed in 2017–2018 UK prices)

Resource use itemUnit costSourceNotes
Induction192Author primary costing
Mode of birth
 Vaginal delivery3410NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of normal delivery* with complication score 0 (NZ30C, NZ33C and NZ34C)
 Breech delivery3655NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of normal delivery* with complication score 1 (NZ30B, NZ33B and NZ34B)
 Caesarean (C) section delivery4730NHS Reference costs 2017–18Emergency C-section with CC score 0–1 (NZ51C)
 Assisted delivery3747NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of assisted delivery* with complication score 0 (NZ40C, NZ41C, NZ43C and NZ44C)
Episiotomy30Author primary costing
Perineal tear
 First-degree and second-degree tears26Author primary costing
 Third-degree and fourth-degree tears722Author primary costing
Manual removal of the placenta836Author primary costing
Blood transfusion176Author primary costingPer block pack
Higher level of care admissions
 High dependency (per day)1547NHS reference costs 2017–18Adult critical care, 2 organs supported
 Intensive care (per day)1642NHS reference costs 2017–18Adult critical care, 4 organs supported
Surgery/Postbirth procedures
 Management of postpartum haemorrhage using the Bakri technique1098Author primary costing
 Management of postpartum haemorrhage using examination under anaesthetic1336Author primary costing
 Perineal haematoma1098Author primary costing
 Hysterectomy1544Author primary costing
 Postpartum haemorrhage with blood transfusion180Eddama et al 27
Transfer to another hospital543Author primary costing
Follow-up related
Secondary care
Hospital admission (per day)396NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of non-paediatric regular day or night admissions
Postnatal ward stay (per day)116Author primary costing
Accident and emergency department (per visit)213NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of non-admitted to Accident & Emergency
Outpatient clinic140NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by activity of outpatient attendances
Day case1136NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of non-paediatric day cases
Community care
General practice appointment37.40Curtis and Burns13 Per surgery consultation lasting 9.22 min
Practice nurse appointment10.85Curtis and Burns13 Per patient contact lasting 15.5 min
Community nurse appointment18.34Curtis and Burns, 2015Per visit lasting 15.5 min
Hospital community counselling8.27Curtis and Burns13 Per visit lasting 15.5 min with foundation doctor FY2
Physiotherapy appointments54Curtis and Burns, 2015Per one-to-one session
Other25.78Average of community care visits
 Initial50Author primary costing, 2011
 Intensive197Author primary costing, 2011
Higher level of care admissions
 Special care (per day)568NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by activity of special care with/without external carer (XA03Z and XA04Z)
 High dependency (per day)925NHS Reference costs 2017–18Neonatal Critical Care, High Dependency (XA02Z)
 Intensive care (per day)1445NHS Reference costs 2017–18Neonatal Critical Care, Intensive Care (XA01Z)
Transfer to another hospital1159NHS Reference costs 2017–18Neonatal Critical Care, Transportation (XA06Z)
Intrapartum stillbirth1100Campbell et al 28 Mean total cost per stillbirth
Neonatal death782Author primary costing
 Paediatric cardiology4332Author primary costing
 Plastic surgery2033Author primary costing
 Gastrointestinal surgery4122Author primary costing
 Paediatric neurosurgery surgery1229Author primary costing
 Total body cooling7513Regier et al 29
Follow-up related
Secondary care
Hospital admission (per day)357NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of paediatric regular day or night admissions
Postnatal ward stay (per day)116Author primary costing, 2011
Accident and emergency department (per visit)213NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of non-admitted to Accident & Emergency
Outpatient clinic140NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by activity of outpatient attendances
Day case642NHS Reference costs 2017–18Weighted average by data submissions of paediatric day cases
Community care
General practice appointment37.40Curtis and Burns13 Per surgery consultation lasting 9.22 min
Practice nurse appointment10.85Curtis and Burns13 Per patient contact lasting 15.5 min
Health visitor75NHS Reference costs 2017–18Health visitor, 1-year review (N03D)
Community nurse appointment59NHS Reference costs 2017–18School-based children’s health core services, one to one (N05CO)
Community paediatrician194Curtis and Burns13 Per paediatric outpatient attendance
Physiotherapy appointment96Curtis and Burns13 Per one-to-one child session
Other79Average of community care visits
  • *Delivery under non-elective inpatients care.