Table 4

Primary and secondary outcomes among tracheal aspirate Ureaplasma-positive participants by treatment assignment

OutcomeNo. of participants (%)
P value*
Ureaplasma-free survival, n (%)8 (80)0 (0)<0.001
Survival, n (%)8 (80)7 (64)0.64
Ureaplasma clearance post-treatment, n (%)10 (100)1 (9)<0.001
Survival free of physiological BPD, n (%)†5 (50)2 (18)0.18
Physiological BPD, n (%)†3/8 (38)6/8 (75)0.31
Modified Shennan BPD, n (%)†3/8 (38)6/8 (75)0.31
Moderate/severe BPD, n (%)†3/8 (38)6/8 (75)0.31
Discharge home, n (%)5 (50)2 (18)0.18
Postnatal steroids, n (%)4 (40)6 (55)0.67
Passed hearing screen, n (%)‡6/8 (75)6/7 (86)>0.99
Total duration IMV, median (IQR)§24.5 (8–72)53 (31 to –)0.11
Total duration supplemental oxygen, median (IQR)§95.5 (39–174)142 (114 to –)0.13
Duration of hospitalisation, median (IQR)§80.5 (27–173)134 (91 to –)0.08
  • *P values for categorical outcomes are based on Fisher’s exact tests. P values for quantitative analysis are based on two-sample Wilcoxon tests.

  • †Excludes five participants (two azithromycin, three placebo) who died prior to 36 weeks PMA.

  • ‡Excludes six (two azithromycin, four placebo) participants who died before hearing screen was obtained.

  • §In computing the median and IQR, those who died are included as having the worst outcomes. For the tracheal aspirate Ureaplasma-positive participants, more than 25% died, so it was not possible to specify the actual 75th percentile.

  • BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; IMV, intermittent mandatory ventilation; PMA, postmenstrual age.