Table 4

Preconditions for successful implementation

Mind set‘So making sure that everybody has like the shared mentality, like: yes, like there will be things we find that we do wrong, and we’re gonna acknowledge that. And that’s how we’re gonna improve’. (PHCP23)
Blame free, shame free‘So, yeah, I think you should introduce it well and that you need to pay attention to a safe environment during review, especially in the beginning. It should not be blaming and shaming, but it should be constructive. And we should keep in mind that there may be more ways to reach the best outcome for our patients’. (LHCP11)
Create involvement‘And also have all of the sort of stakeholders in that, have the nurses, have the RT’s, have everyone kind of sit down at a table and be like: how can we use it together so everyone feels like they’re part of it’. (PHCP15)
Provide information‘I think just transparency about the process and just like, like, you know, when it’s been recorded, when they’re being deleted, how you can review it, both informally, and then that the formal reviews are done in a kind of like, you know, non-accusatory way they’re done from the point of like: let’s learn, let’s improve, let’s look at our practice’. (PHCP7)
Focus on benefits‘Before you start plenary meetings, you have to make sure you explain everyone very well what’s the goal of these meetings, so they know it’s not about judging people, or grading them, but because you want to discuss together what you are doing. So they know the goal is to learn together. In order to improve care’. (LHCP21)
Exposure‘So I think having more exposure, then you’re less afraid of it, you’re less afraid because oh yeah, this is not about getting in trouble, it’s all about dynamics and how we can improve our logistics and also improve the outcome for this baby’. (PHCP11)
Data protection‘I think if it wasn’t as secured, if it wasn’t, you know, if it hasn’t be a secured server on a password protected storage, like I think all of this things need to be in place for in order to all of the physicians to feel safe and stuff’. (PHCP7)
Prepare provider for review‘I think it’s important to watch the video on beforehand. The best would be not to do that, but that would be very harsh. (…) I think it’s decent to discuss it on beforehand. It would make it easier, so somebody will know a bit what is gonna happen during the plenary review and he can prepare himself a little for that’. (LHCP21)