Table 2

Neonatal care and newborn life support at birth

Clamp ≥2 min+neonatal care with cord intact (n=135)Clamp ≤20 s+neonatal care after clamping (n=134)
Beside motherAway from motherTotalBeside motherAway from mother Total
Baby in plastic bag/sheet100*15115 (85%)41*67108 (81%)
Mask ventilation6832100 (74%)1489 105† (78%)
Supplemental oxygen463884 (62%) 979 89‡ (66%)
Airway suction393675 (56%)1076 87‡ (65%)
Successful intubation384078 (58%)107787 (65%)
Surfactant283967 (50%) 96675 (56%)
Attempted, unsuccessful intubation201535 (26%) 53338 (28%)
Continuous positive airway pressure271744 (33%)3434 (25%)
Cardiac massage 3 36 (4%) 3 710 (7%)
Umbilical venous catheterisation 1 23 (2%) 66 (4%)
Other1 (1%)
  • *Placed in plastic bag beside mother, received all other care at roomside; n=14 clamp ≥2 min, n=26 clamp ≤20 s.

  • †Location not known for two.

  • ‡Location not known for one.

  • §Packed cell transfusion.