Table 1

Baseline characteristics of infants from the CoolCap Study

n (%)
All subjectsFavourable outcomeUnfavourable outcomep Value
21585 (39.5%)130 (60.5%)
Birth weight, mean (SD), g3445 (646)3295 (625)3544 (643)0.006
Hypothermia treatment, n (%)107 (50%)49 (58%)58 (45%)0.06
Severe HIE, n (%)74 (35%)15 (18%)59 (46%)<0.001
Male, n (%)114 (53%)44 (52%)70 (54%)0.77
Caesarean delivery, n (%)149 (69%)64 (75%)85 (65%)0.12
Delivery complications*, n (%)174 (81%)66 (78%)108 (83%)0.32
White race, n (%)136 (63%)54 (64%)82 (63%)0.95
Apgar 5 min, median(IQR)3 (0–4)3 (1–4)2 (0–4)0.02
pH, mean (SD)6.88 (0.22)6.95 (0.22)6.83 (0.21)<0.001
  • *Delivery complications include prolapsed cord, true knot in the cord, umbilical cord tear, shoulder dystocia, placental abruption, feto-maternal bleeding, ruptured uterus, antepartum haemorrhage, traumatic instrument delivery, head entrapment and others.

  • HIE, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy.