Table 1

Maternal and infant characteristics in the study population by Apgar score at 5 min, Manitoba

Birth and demographic characteristicsTotalApgar 0–4Apgar 5Apgar 6Apgar 7Apgar 8Apgar 9Apgar 10
Sex of the child
 Female16 71949240.1360.2840.52831.715569.3113 776829605.7
 Male17 16451360.2450.31030.63261.9186510.913 850819395.5
Child's age at EDI completion (years)
 Mean (SD)33 8830.5605.7 (0.3)815.6 (0.4)1875.6 (0.4)6095.7 (0.4)34215.7 (0.3)27 6055.7 (0.7)18995.7 (0.7)
Neighbourhood income (SES)
 Highest SES17 21551260.2380.2850.53161.816669.714 174829105.3
 Middle SES12 32836250.2300.2690.62261.81330119873807756.3
 Lowest SES or income assistance43261380.2130.3330.8671.54229.83570832134.9
Gestational weeks
 4013 20539200.2300.2740.62501.912779.710 760827946.0
Birth weight for gestational age
 Appropriate26 44778410.2660.31310.54561.725829.821 6598215125.7
Breastfeeding initiation
 Yes28 33784490.2580.21500.55111.828711023 1838215155.3
Total33 883600.2810.21870.66091.834211027 6268218995.6
  • EDI Early Development Instrument; SES, socioeconomic status.