Table 1

Tools commonly used to measure neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18–24 months of age in perinatal trials

AssessmentDomains measuredContinuous scoresClassifying neurodevelopmental impairment
Examiner administered tests
Bayley Scales of Infant Development second edition (BSID-II)13 i. Cognitive & Language
ii. Motor
Standardised (Mean 100; SD 15) Mental Development Index (MDI) & Psychomotor Development Index (PDI) scoresSD-banded cut-offs for moderate (Index score −2 SD to −3 SD) and severe (Index score < −3 SD) impairment
Bayley Scales of Infant & Toddler Development third edition (Bayley-III)14 i. Cognitive
ii. Language
iii. Motor 
Standardised (Mean 100; SD 15) Cognitive, Language and Motor Composite scoresSD-banded cut-offs for moderate (Composite score −2 SD to −3 SD) and severe (Composite score < −3 SD) impairment. Concern regarding underestimation of impairment has led authors to suggest cut-offs should be raised by up to 1 SD15
Griffiths Mental Development Scales-Revised: Birth to 2 years (GMDS 0–2)16 i. Locomotor
ii. Personal–Social
iii. Hearing & Language
iv. Eye hand coordination
v. Performance
Standardised (Mean 100; SD 16) Locomotor, Personal–Social, Hearing & Language, Coordination and Performance scores; and General Quotient (GQ).SD-banded cut-offs for moderate (standardised score −2 SD to −3 SD) and severe (standardised score < −3 SD) impairment 
Parent report measures
Parent Report of Children's Abilities-Revised (PARCA-R)17 i. Non-verbal cognition
ii. Language
Parent Report Composite (PRC) score.PRC composite score <44 for moderate/severe impairment18; PRC <31 for severe impairment19
Ages and Stages Questionnaires third edition (ASQ-3)20i. Communication
ii. Gross Motor
iii. Fine Motor
iv. Problem Solving
v. Personal–Social
Total scores for Communication, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Problem Solving and Personal–Social domainsDomain scores are compared with age-appropriate cut-offs for developmental delay to classify moderate/severe impairment (equivalent to standardised scores < −2 SD) 
Clinical observation
Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)21Gross motor function in children with Cerebral PalsyFive level classification systemModerate impairment Level 2; Severe impairment levels 3, 4 or 5.