Table 1

Characteristics of the 18 randomised controlled trials included in the meta-analysis

StudyGestational age (weeks)MethodsParticipantsInterventionsOutcomes
MortalityBPDLength of mechanical ventilation (days)
Cheema et al1424–32Randomised crossover trialT 20SIPPV/SIMV+VG   
Cheema et al1827.1±2.1Randomised controlled trialT 19SIPPV+VG   
27.9±2.3C 21SIPPV
D'Angio et al1926.8±1.8Randomised controlled trialT 104PRVC13/10438/10427.6±23.8
27±1.9C 108SIMV13/10745/10824±22.4
Duman et al2027.8±1.7Randomised controlled trialT 23A/C+VG3/233/23 
27.6±2.1C 22A/C7/227/22
Guven et al2129.40±2.12Randomised controlled trialT 42SIMV+VG2/423/423.02±6.76
29.17±1.84C 30SIMV9/305/306.93±7.81
Herrera et al2224–31Randomised crossover trialT 9SIMV+VG   
24–31C 9SIMV
Hummler et al2324.8±1.6Randomised crossover trialT 15SIMV+VG   
24.8±1.6C 15SIMV
Keszler and Abubakar2429.4±3.24Randomised controlled trialT 9A/C+VG1/92/94.5±7.3
29.3±3.57C 9A/C1/95/915.6±18.4
Lista et al2528.5±2Randomised controlled trialT 30PSV+VG5/303/308.8±3
29.4±1.6C 23PSV6/234/2312.3±3
Liu et al2631.5±3.6Randomised controlled trialT 31SIPPV+VG2/31 4.79±1.125
32.3±3.4C 30IMV3/306.46±1.92
Nafday et al2727.9±0.6Randomised controlled trialT 16PSV+VG2/162/16 
27.4±0.5C 18SIMV1/184/18
Piotrowski et al2824–32Randomised controlled trialT 30PRVC7/3010/30 
24–32C 26SIMV4/2610/26
Piotrowski et al2929±3.2Randomised controlled trialT 27PRVC4/276/276.7±4.9
30±2.8C 30IMV8/316/3113±15
Polimeni et al3027.8±1.7Randomised crossover trialT 32SIMV+VG   
27.6±2.1C 32SIMV
Singh et al31 3225.5–28.3Randomised controlled trialT 57VC5/5716/578.4±12.6
25.5–28.8C 52TCPL10/5217/529.7±14
Sinha et al3331.2±2.1Randomised controlled trialT 25VC1/251/255.1±2.7
31.2±2.5C 25TCPL1/256/256.7±5.6
Swamy et al3425.5–28.3Randomised controlled trialT 45VC   
25.5–28.8C 41TCPL
Zhou et al3530.3±1.6Randomised controlled trialT 15SIMV+VG 2/159.3±2.1
30.5±1.8C 15SIMV5/159.8±2.3
  • A/C, assist control; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; IMV, intermittent mandatory ventilation; PRVC, pressure-regulated volume control; PSV, pressure support ventilation; SIMV, synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation; SIPPV, synchronised intermittent positive pressure ventilation; TCPL, time cycled pressure limited; VC, volume control; VG, volume guarantee ventilation.