Table 2

The BFHI's Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and percentage of mothers who reported hospital practices according to BFHI accreditation, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (N=1935)*

Non-BFHI % (N=1099)Pre-BFHI accreditation % (N=487)Post-BFHI accreditation % (N=349)p Value
Statements from PRAMS questionnaire (yes/no) as numbered in BFHI Ten Steps
 3. Hospital staff gave me information about breast feeding91.990.696.0†0.01
 4. I breastfed in the first hour after my baby was born56.857.557.21.0
 5. Hospital staff helped me learn how to breastfeed69.068.872.20.5
 6. My baby was fed only breast milk at the hospital51.861.158.80.001
 7. My baby stayed in the same room with me at the hospital90.589.186.50.1
 8. Hospital staff told me to breastfeed whenever my baby wanted72.871.873.00.9
 9. My baby (did not) use a pacifier in the hospital‡61.074.371.4<0.001
BFHI practices summarised
 Mean number of practices (SD) (range 0–7)‡4.9 (2.0)5.1 (2.0)5.3 (1.9)
 0–2 practices18.116.612.10.001
 3–5 practices32.425.232.3
 6 practices22.423.321.0
 7 practices27.134.934.6
Other practices to support breast feeding
 The hospital gave me a gift pack with formula69.034.628.4§<0.001
 The hospital gave me a telephone number to call for help with breast feeding76.679.479.40.4
  • *Excludes mothers from BFHI Hospital A with no ‘before’ data available.

  • †p≤0.05 comparison of BFHI facilities before and after accreditation.

  • ‡Pacifier use was reverse-coded to indicate ‘did not use a pacifier in the hospital’.

  • §p=0.06 comparison of BFHI facilities before and after accreditation.

  • BFHI, Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative; PRAMS, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.