Table 1

Characteristics of study subjects

Hypothermia group, n=73Control group, n=63p Value
Maternal characteristics
 Maternal age, mean±SD (years)26.5±5.226.9±6.30.67
 Race, n (%)0.30
  Black22 (30%)20 (32%)
  White31 (42%)19 (30%)
  Other20 (27%)24 (38%)
 Complications of pregnancy, n (%)
  Chronic hypertension8 (11%)10 (16%)0.45
  Antepartum haemorrhage6 (8%)13 (21%)0.05
 Intrapartum complications, n (%)
  FHR decelerations54 (74%)51 (82%)0.30
  Cord prolapse20 (27%)11 (17%)0.22
  Uterine rupture11 (15%)8 (13%)0.81
  Maternal fever12 (16%)4 (6%)0.11
  Shoulder dystocia8 (11%)6 (10%)0.79
  Maternal haemorrhage4 (5%)5 (8%)0.73
  Emergency caesarean delivery, n (%)48 (66%)50 (79%)0.09
Neonatal characteristics
 Gestational age, mean±SD (weeks)39.1±1.538.6±1.60.08
 Age at randomisation, mean±SD (h)4.3±1.34.4±1.30.58
 Outborn status, n (%)33 (45%)30 (48%)0.86
 Apgar score <5, n (%)
  At 5 min64 (89%)57 (90%)0.79
  At 10 min56 (81%)43 (75%)0.51
 Birth weight, mean±SD (g)3328±5573376±6770.65
 Head circumference, mean±SD (cm)34.3±1.534.1±1.70.62
 Male sex, n (%)36 (49%)36 (57%)0.39
 Intubation in delivery room, n (%)70 (96%)59 (94%)0.70
 Cord pH, mean±SD6.9±0.26.9±0.20.41
 Base deficit, mean±SD (mmol/l)17.8±5.918.8±8.90.58
 Moderate encephalopathy, n (%)54 (75%)40 (63%)0.19
 Severe encephalopathy, n (%)18 (25%)23 (37%)
  At randomisation, n (%)31 (42%)32 (51%)0.39
  At any time, n (%)40 (55%)43 (68%)0.12
 Anticonvulsants, n (%)
  At randomisation, n (%)31 (44%)28 (47%)0.73
  At any time, n (%)48 (68%)49 (79%)0.17
 Inotropic support
  At randomisation, n (%)24 (33%)19 (30%)0.85
  At any time, n (%)40 (55%)35 (56%)1.00
 Deaths, n (%)7 (10%)8 (13%)0.59
  Age of death, days (mean±SD)62.8±80.0140.9±151.00.28
 Age at MRI, days (mean±SD)14.7±10.616.0±14.00.54
  • FHR, fetal heart rate.