Table 4

Neurodevelopmental outcome of total cohort, cohorts I and II, and AGA and SGA infants

By cohortBy gestational age
Total cohort, n=101Cohort I, n=45Cohort II, n=56Cohort I vs II, p valueAGA, n=45SGA, n=56AGA vs SGA, p value
Outcome CA
 Normal, n (%)75 (74.3)38 (84.4)37 (66.1)0.05139 (86.7)36 (64.3)0.020*
 Mildly delayed, n (%)21 (20.8)7 (15.6)14 (25.0)4 (8.9)17 (30.4)
 Severely delayed, n (%)5 (5.0)05 (8.9)2 (4.4)3 (5.4)
Outcome UCA
 Normal, n (%)43 (42.6)18 (40.0)25 (44.6)0.07921 (46.7)22 (39.3)0.359
 Mildly delayed, n (%)41 (40.6)23 (51.1)18 (32.1)19 (42.2)22 (39.2)
 Severely delayed, n (%)17 (16.8)4 (8.9)13 (23.2)5 (11.1)12 (21.4)
  • Total cohort: infants born in 1996–2005; cohort I: 1996–2000; cohort II: 2001–2005.

  • Outcome: Griffiths Mental Development Scales, Developmental Quotient, locomotor subscale excluded and Bayley Scales of Infant Development-Second Edition, Mental Developmental Index.

  • Normal: ≤−1 Z score ≥0, performance within −1 SD or >0 SD; mildly delayed: >−1 Z score ≤−2, performance within −1 and −2 SD; severely delayed: Z score >−2, performance more than −2 SD.

  • * p<0.05.

  • AGA, appropriate for gestational age, ≥p10; CA, corrected age for prematurity; SGA, small for gestational age, <p10; UCA, uncorrected age.