Table 3

Neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years corrected age of 101 children birth weight ≤750 g

By developmental testBy cohortBy gestational age
GMDS, n=49 (SD, min–max)BSID, n=52 (SD, min–max)GMDS vs BSID, p valueTotal cohort*, n=101 (SD, min–max)Cohort I*, n=45 (SD, min–max)Cohort II*, n=56 (SD, min–max)Cohort I vs II, p valueAGA*, n=45 (SD, min–max)SGA*, n=56 (SD, min–max)AGA vs SGA, p value
Corrected absolute score96.45 (9.8, 80–127)93.50 (18.4, 54–128)94.93 (14.8, 54–128)97.63 (9.8, 80–127)92.76 (17.7, 54–128)97.97 (14.1, 54–127)92.49 (15.1, 58–128)
Z score corrected−0.30 (0.8, −1.69 to 2.23)−0.43 (1.2, −3.07 to 1.87)0.661−0.37 (1.0, −3.07 to 2.23)−0.20 (0.8, −1.69 to 2.23)−0.50 (1.2, −3.07 to 1.87)0.164−0.15 (1.0, −3.07 to 2.23)−0.54 (1.0, −2.80 to 1.87)0.050
Uncorrected absolute score86.08 (8.4, 72–113)83.85 (15.6, 54–114)84.93 (12.6, 54–114)86.90 (8.4, 72–113)83.35 (15.0, 54–114)86.56 (12.0, 54–113)83.62 (13.0, 54–114)
Z score uncorrected−1.16 (0.7, −2.36 to 1.11)−1.08 (1.0, −3.07 to 0.93)0.599−1.12 (0.9, −3.07 to 1.11)−1.08 (0.7, −2.36 to 1.11)−1.15 (1.0, −3.07 to 0.93)0.599−1.00 (0.9, −3.07 to 1.11)−1.20 (0.9, −3.07 to 0.93)0.228
  • BSID-II: Bayley Scales of Infant Development-Second Edition, Mental Developmental Index (MDI); BSID-II standardisation mean (±SD)=100 (±15). Cohort I: 1996–2000; cohort II: 2001–2005. GMDS, Griffiths Mental Development Scales, Developmental Quotient, locomotor subscale excluded; GMDS standardisation mean (±SD)=100 (±12).

  • * GMDS DQ-LM and BSID-II MDI combined.

  • AGA, appropriate for gestational age, ≥p10; max, maximum raw score; min, minimum raw score; SGA, small for gestational age, <p10.