Table 4 Cases of disagreements between Cochrane Neonatal Group reviews and clinical practice guidelines in neonatal departments, Denmark
Cochrane review does not support intervention, but guidelines (n) recommend interventionCochrane review supports intervention, but guidelines (n) do not recommend intervention
Doxapram or theophylline for apnoea in newborns (n = 4)16 17High position of umbilical artery catheters (n = 2)28
Prophylactic phosphate for preterm infants (n = 10)18Prophylactic surfactant for preterm infants (n = 14)2931
Prophylactic high-dose vitamin E for preterm infants (n = 3)19Prophylactic indometacin for preterm infants (n = 13)32
Epinephrine for cardiac arrest or extremely bradycardic infants (n = 14)20Supplemental high-dose vitamin A for very low birthweight infants (n = 14)33
Prophylactic nasal continuous positive airways pressure for very preterm infants (n = 14)21Giving positive airway pressure with binasal device (n = 1)34
Loop diuretics (n = 12) or inhaled steroids (n = 6) for infants with chronic lung disease22 23
Opiates (n = 12) or phenobarbital (n = 2) for neonatal abstinence syndrome24 25
Intravenous immunoglobulin for neonatal infection (n = 2)26
Early discharge with home gavage feeding for preterm infants (n = 2)27