Table 1

 Inadvertent overdose for different drugs

Drug (concentration of drug in vial/ampoule)Dose (mg/kg)Amount of drug for a neonate weighing 2 kg (mg)Drug volume taken in a 1 ml syringe (ml)Volume of drug in dead space (ml)Amount of drug in dead space (mg)Total amount of drug neonate is getting (mg)Inadvertent overdose factor
Assuming the drug for a 2 kg neonate is drawn up in a 1 ml syringe and diluted by drawing up the diluent into the same syringe. Doses of drugs taken from Pediatric drugs and nursing implications.[2] Digoxin is available in two formulations: 250 μg/ml 100 μg/ml.
Digoxin (1 ml = 0.25 mg)0.0250.0050.020.070.01750.005+0.0175 = 0.02254.5
Digoxin (1 ml = 0.1 mg)0.0250.0050.050.070.0070.005+0.007 = 0.0122.4
Adrenaline (1 ml = 1 mg; 1:1000) = 0.132.16
Furosemide (1 ml = 10 mg) = 2.71.35
Dexamethasone (1 ml = 4 mg) = 0.482.4
Midazolam (1 ml = 5 mg) = 0.552.75