Table 1

 Infant characteristics by region of care

CaliforniaMassachusettsUnited KingdomTotalp Value
p Value indicates whether the distribution of each infant characteristic differs significantly across region of care.
na, Not available.
Number of infants39046035094359
Mother received antenatal steroids
Delivered by caesarean section
Gestational age at delivery (weeks)
    Mean (SD)32.8 (1.3)32.7 (1.3)32.7 (1.3)32.7 (1.3)0.280
Sex of infant
Birth weight (g)
    Median (25th, 75th centile)1885 (1615, 2191)1975 (1670, 2237)1905 (1619, 2200)1910 (1622, 2200)0.009
Apgar score at 5 min
Median (25th, 75th centile)9 (8, 9)9 (8, 9)9 (9, 10)9 (8, 9)<0.001
Infant received mechanical ventilation
Postmenstrual age at discharge (weeks)
    Mean (SD)35.9 (1.3)36.3 (1.3)36.3 (1.9)36.2 (1.8)<0.001
Maternal race
Family income
    Income >$50 000/total204/306317/370na521/676<0.001
Maternal education
    Graduated from high school/total229/305313/370na542/6750.002
Index of multiple deprivation
Median (25th, 75th centile)nana22.3 (14.6, 34.4)