Table 2

 MRI findings at school age in a cohort of 221 preterm infants

CSF, cerebral spinal fluid. It should be noted that 83 children had a completely normal MRI; the other numbers do not add up to 138 due to multiple findings in some of the children.
Normal, n (%)83 (37.6%)
Gliosis, n (%)64 (29.0%)
 Mild gliosis: 38 (59.4%)
 Extensive gliosis: 26 (40.6%)
Ventricular dilatation, n (%)81 (37.7%)
 Global: 65 (80.2%)
 Focal: 16 (19.8%)
Abnormally shaped corpus callosum, n (%)56 (25.3%)
 Generalised thinning: 19 (33.9%)
 Focal thinning: 37 (66.1%)
Abnormal retrochiasmatic8 (3.6%)
region of the visual
system, n (%)
Thalamus abnormalities, n (%)6 (2.7%)
Cerebellar atrophy, n (%)3 (1.4%)
Cortical atrophy, n (%)1 (0.5%)
Other, n (%)9 (4.1%)
 Pineal cyst: 2
 Arachnoidal cyst: 3
 Small pituitary gland: 1
 Extra cerebral CSF cyst: 1
 Mesencephalon lesion: 1