Table 2

 Results of the sugar absorption test (SAT) before (lactulose/mannitol (LM) ratio 1) and after (LM ratio 2) minimal enteral feeding (MEF) or no enteral feeding (NEF) (mmol/mol creatinine)

MEF (n  =  20)NEF (n  =  22)
Data are expressed as median (range).
*p  =  0.001 and p  =  0.006 LM ratio 2 v LM ratio 1 in MEF and NEF respectively.
†p  =  0.14 MEF v NEF.
LM ratio 10.32 (0.02–0.90)0.26 (0.02–1.1)
LM ratio 20.11 (0.03–0.42)*0.15 (0.00–0.46)*
LM ratio 1− LM ratio 20.25 (−0.39–0.62)†0.11 (−0.11–0.84)