Table 1

 Comparison of basic details across neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) mothers with control mothers and NICU fathers with control fathers

Mothers (n = 342)Fathers (n = 294)
NICU (n = 242)Control (n = 100)NICU (n = 205)Control (n = 89)
Values are percentage (number) except for age where values are mean (SD).
*Significantly different from NICU parent, p  =  0.001 (Mann-Whitney U test).
Age (years)30.1 (5.4)30.7 (5.4)33.1 (5.9)33.7 (6.0)
Marital status
    Married58% (140)68% (68)
    De facto30% (73)22 % (22)
    Separated/divorced3% (6)1% (1)
    Never married10% (23)9% (9)
    Obtained one or more subject in school certificate74% (179)83% (83)82% (167)74% (66)
    Completed sixth form55% (133)61% (61)56% (115)58% (52)
    Completed seventh form32% (77)40% (40)31% (64)37% (33)
    Completed further tertiary qualification52% (126)56% (56)66% (136)66% (59)
    Trade/secretarial qualification48% (61)52% (29)63% (86)54% (32)
    Professional qualification52% (65)52% (29)37% (50)46% (27)
Family income over past year
    Less than $15000 a year7% (16)6% (6)
    $15000 to <$25000 a year17% (40)12% (12)
    $25000 to <$40000 a year20% (49)11% (11)
    $40000 to <$50000 a year17% (41)12% (12)
    $50000 to <$70000 a year19% (46)18% (18)
    $70000 and over a year20% (49)41% (41)*