Table 1

Characteristics of the 36 mothers enrolled in the study

Study group (n = 18)Control group (n = 18)
Values are median (interquartile range), n (%), or n. The study group received 2 mg intravaginal prostaglandin gel and the control group received an equal volume of K-Y jelly as placebo.
PCS, Previous caesarean section.
Age (years)25 (22–30)29 (22.5–31.5)
Blood loss (×100 ml)6.5 (4–11)7 (6–10.5)
Bishop score3 (3–4)3 (3–6.5)
Number of children1 (0–2)1 (1–2)
PCS9 (50%)10 (59%)
Gestation (days)271 (269–274)271 (270.5–273.5)
Epidural anaesthesia1816
General anaesthesia01
Opiate induction00
Antenatal glucocorticoids00
Cervical dilation (cm)1.5 (1–3)2 (1–2)
Time to delivery after gel (minutes)107 (70–122.75)103 (79–120)