Table 2

Main regional foci of brain activation, with periodic signal maximum during non-word rhyming in the control group

Number of voxelsTalairach coordinates (mm)Max FPQProb (max FPQ)
x, y, and z refer to the stereotactic coordinates36 of the voxel within each cluster with the largest fundamental power quotient (FPQ, reflecting the significance of periodic change), and Prob (max FPQ) indicates the probability of false activation. The reference point for the coordinates is the junction of the vertical anterior commissural line and the intercommissural line. The reference plane is the bicommissural plane. x refers to millimetres left (−) and right of the reference point, y to millimetres anterior and posterior (−) to the reference point, and z to planes above and below (−) the reference plane.
Left hemisphere
    Peristriate cortex101−20−81−71.90.000004
    Parastriate cortex31−40−64−131.70.000022
    Superior frontal gyrus26−68481.70.000026
    Precentral gyrus23−40−6481.60.000052
    Retrosplenial cortex10−20−31−21.60.000052
    Inferior frontal gyrus6−438311.60.000353
Right hemisphere
    Post cingulate gyrus343−67201.70.000004
    Peristriate cortex860−6791.90.000004
2312−4742.00. 000004
    Medial frontal lobe18642−21.60.000288
    Ant-mid cingulate gyrus79−11421.60.000126
    Superior frontal gyrus63−11591.60.000179
    Superior temporal gyrus649−3191.60.000392