Table 3

Analysis of outward transfers (n = 744)

*n (% of expected admissions at a rate of 100 per 1000 (10%) live births).6
Total transfers from:
    Level 3 units (n = 2)174/744 (23%)
    Level 2 units (n = 9)320/744 (43%)
    Level 1 (n = 3)139/744 (19%)
    Delivery units (n = 3)111/744 (15%)
Capacity transfers from level 2 and 3 units:*
    Level 3 units (2)56 (13.5)
    Level 2 units (9)96 (7.7)
Multiple transfers:
    From home hospital to another unit and return10 (in 4 women)
    From maternity unit to level 1 unit followed by onward transfer to level 2/3 unit6 (in 2 women)
    From home hospital to level 2 unit followed by transfer to an altenative level 2/3 unit (because of lack of capacity in first unit)6 (in 2 women)