Table 1

 Outcome measures and timing of administration of measures

Scale (number of items)8 weeks1 year
Responses scored on five point scale from 5 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree).
*Item 11 reverse scored; omitted from analysis because of low correlation with other items.
EPDS, Edinburgh postnatal depression scale; PSI, parenting stress index.
EPDS (9)
PSI subscales
    Child moody (5)
    Mother sense of competence (11)
    Sense of attachment (5)
    Spouse problems (6)
    Child seen as rewarding (6)
Infant hip worries inventory (12)√ (items 1–11)*√ (items 1, 2, 8, 9, 10,12)
Items of the infant hip worries inventory:
1. I feel upset when people ask me about my baby’s hips
2. I worry that I might do something to hurt my baby’s hips
3. I feel upset when I look at my baby
4. I find it difficult to feed my baby
5. I find it difficult to cuddle my baby
6. I find it difficult to wash my baby
7. I worry about whether my baby is comfortable
8. I worry before each hospital visit related to my baby’s hip
9. I worry about the effect the hip instability might have on my baby in the future
10. I was very upset when I was first told that my baby had an unstable hip
11. In the last 8 weeks, I have had helpful people to turn to about my baby’s hip problem
12. I worry about my child’s walking.