Table 4

Cerebral palsy in the surviving twin of like-sex and unlike-sex co-twin who died in infancy (group 2)

Gestational age (weeks)BW of infant death (g)Registered cause of infant deathSex of survivorBW of survivor (g)Cerebral palsy type
Type of chorionicity was available only for a few cases, therefore not presented in the table.
BW, Birth weight; HMD, hyaline membrane disease; IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage; TTTS, twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
Survivors from like-sex twin pairs
    24500Pulmonary immaturityM580Diplegia
    25545HMD, TTTSM750Diplegia
    25630HMDF760Right hemiplegia
    27660IVH, leucomalacia, TTTSF865Diplegia
    281340HMD with IVHM1300Diplegia
    281020HMD with IVHF960Diplegia
    28980HMD with IVHM1155Left hemiplegia
    291235HMD with infectionM1080Diplegia
    30630Neonatal infectionF1555Diplegia
    311420Trisomy 13, encephaloceleF1110Asymmetric quadriplegia
    321605HMD, necrotising enterocolitisM1550Asymmetric diplegia
    341450HMD with IVHM1590Quadriplegia
    382090Coarctation of aortaM2295Quadriplegia
Survivors from unlike-sex twin pairs
    28985HMD with IVHM1050Diplegia
    311610HMD with infectionF1275Quadriplegia