Table 2

Baseline characteristics of study infants

Method of estimating nasotracheal tube length
Body weight (n=36)Foot length (n=36)
Unsuccessful nasal intubation or confirmatory radiograph unavailable116
Infants successfully randomised withx ray confirmation of ETT position2530
Birth weight (g)2-150 1210 (990–1770)1467 (915–1790)
Gestational age (weeks)2-150 30 (27–36)30.5 (27–32)
Age at intubation (days)2-150 1 (0–1)0 (0–3)
Weight at intubation (g)2-150 1210 (990–1770)1467 (915–1790)
Number of infants <1000 g98
  • 2-150 Median (interquartile range).

  • ETT, Endotracheal tube.