Table 4

Red blood cell transfusion practices: comparison with the American Multicenter Trial of EPO in Infants < 1251 g22

Ulm No EPOEPO trial
500 IU EPO /weekNo EPO
Mean birth weight (g)907923925
 ⩽750 g35 (25)13 (17)17 (21)
 751–1000 g54 (39)39 (51)31 (39)
 1001–1250 g51 (36)25 (32)32 (40)
Mean gestational age (weeks)27.026.827.1
Not transfused4-150 72 (51)33 (43)25 (31)
Mean RBCT/infant4-150 0.9641.11.6
Mean volume transfused4-150(ml/infant)13.516.523.9
  • Where appropriate, values are number (%).

  • 4-150 During the observation period—that is, for 42 days after study entry in the Shannon trial and for days 7–64 at the Ulm centre.

  • EPO, Erythropoietin; RBCT, red blood cell transfusion.