Table 1

Cardiac abnormalities diagnosed on our unit by echocardiography

Type of lesionComments
VSD (ventricular septal defect)Small ones may be missed if one scans too soon after delivery. Interrogation with colour and pulsed Doppler essential
ASD (atrial septal defect)Subcostal four chamber view is best. Some may be just large patent foramen ovale. Measurements of size and T-artifactisation14 will help to differentiate.
AVSD (atrioventicular septal defect)Look for the normal offsetting of the inlet valves; the tricuspid valve is usually set more apically than the mitral valve.
Fallot's tetralogyOne of these cases was missed in the earlier days and was transferred as a large VSD.
TGA (transposition of the great arteries)
Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
Interrupted aortic archFour limb oxygen saturations and blood pressures essential
Coarctation of the aortaAs above
Mild to moderate pulmonary stenosisColour and pulsed Doppler are useful. The former to detect and the latter to confirm.
Peripheral pulmonary stenosis with Noonan's syndromeAs above
Supra-aortic stenosis with William's syndrome
TAPVD (total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage)One case was misdiagnosed as another cyanotic lesion because I was in a hurry. Give yourself time.
Transient peripheral pulmonary stenosisUsually postductal closure and often misdiagnosed as a “winking duct”.6 This is a physiological phenomenon.
Atrial flutterVery impressive echo pictures. Atria look as if they are being oscillated.