Table 4

Investigations if death is inevitable and a metabolic cause is suspected

Specimen Sampling details
Plasma3–5 ml lithium heparin sample, plasma separated and frozen
Whole blood for DNA analysis 3–5 ml EDTA sample kept refrigerated (should not be frozen) (other whole blood samples can also be used)
Blood spot for acylcarnitine analysis2–3 spots on filter paper or Guthrie card
UrineFrozen in a plain sterile container
Skin biopsy for fibroblast cultureCollected using aseptic technique, stored in a skin biopsy medium (if this is not available, viral culture medium or normal saline in a sterile container may be used) (should not be frozen)
Muscle biopsy1 cm3 piece immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen or dry ice for enzymology, histology, and DNA analysis; one piece preserved in gluteraldehyde for electron microscopy
Liver biopsy1 cm3 piece immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen or dry ice for enzymology, histology, and DNA analysis; one piece preserved in gluteraldehyde for electron microscopy