Table 4

Actual and expected (calculated from CRIB) mortality for infants ⩽ 28 weeks not involved in any trnasfer; involved in any form of transfer (neonatal flying squad, in utero or non-urgent; transferred as an emergency after delivery (neonatal flying squad); transferred in utero for neonatal care in another hospital

Type of infantNo of infants ⩽28 weeks gestationMortality of infants ⩽28 weeks (%)Predicted (CRIB) mortality of infants ⩽28 weeks (%)95% CI for estimate of expected mortality
Non-tranfers455203  (44.6)190.9  (42.0)174.3-207.8
Transfer (all types)318113 (35.5)125.1 (39.3)113.2-137.2
Flying squad transfers11347 (41.6)49.1 (43.5)41.4-56.9
In utero transfers13959 (42.4)56.9 (40.9)47.6-66.5