
509 e-Letters

published between 2015 and 2018

  • Development of a gastroschisis core outcome set: missed opportunity .

    Any surgery as a neonate carries increased risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes and any neonatal study should include them. They are different from overall quality of life.

  • To the editor

    Dear Nick Brown
    Editor in chief, Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal

    We read with interest the study titled “Development of a gastroschisis core outcome set” by Benjamin Saul Raywood Allin et al1, and we have several questions and comments.
    The aim of the authors is to design a core outcome set to be used in research in order to reduce outcome reporting heterogeneity and to help improve the clinical relevance of the research. The authors state that “Many gastroschisis studies investigate outcomes that are not relevant to patients or clinical practice”. However, they don´t clarify how they arrived to this hypothesis.
    This study has developed a gastroschisis core outcome set consisting of eight outcomes that are important to parents, people born with gastroschisis and clinicians.
    The eight outcomes are death, sepsis, growth, number of operations, time on parenteral nutrition, liver disease, number of severe gastrointestinal complications and quality of life. Regarding growth, it should be noticed that children born with gastroschisis are frequently intrauterine growth restricted, and therefore, this issue should be clarified - it is not always an outcome; gastrointestinal complications are also (up to 25% of gastroschisis population in some reports) a frequent component of the malformation itself, so this should be clarified when speaking of “complications”.
    In high income countries, adverse outcomes are related to the presence of complex gast...

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  • Response to comments from Dr Mark W Davies and Drs Golumbek and Guidici

    Response to comment from Dr Mark W Davies:

    We agree that neurodevelopmental outcome may be an important outcome to measure following any neonatal surgery and would certainly welcome any study that reported this outcome in infants with gastroschisis. However following a rigorous consensus process as we have described, neurodevelopmental outcome was not selected as part of the core outcome set. We emphasise that the outcomes within the core outcome set are not the only outcomes that should be measured in future research but are the minimum recommended. Additional outcomes such as neurodevelopmental outcomes may of course be reported.

    Response to comment from Drs Golumbek and Guidici

    Drs Golumbek and Guidici are quite correct that characteristics of infants with gastroschisis, such as complexity of the condition at birth, may affect their prognosis. We are quite clear that this core outcome set should be used for observational studies which follow-up a cohort of infants based on these characteristics, as well as trials or observational studies which follow-up infants who have been managed using different surgical approaches. We agree that some of these outcomes are not specific to gastroschisis, but our aim was not to produce a core outcome set that had only gastroschisis specific outcomes within it, but one that contained the most important outcomes for infants with gastroschisis – some of which may apply equally to other infants. Growth at birth is not...

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  • End-expiratory pressure during the respiratory transition: a more complex tale?

    Dear Editors,
    I read with interest the review article of Martherus and co-workers entitled ‘Supporting breathing of preterm infants at birth: a narrative review’. Despite the ongoing focus on the respiratory transition at birth, clinical strategies that improve outcome are lacking. As such the authors should be congratulated on this timely review. As they emphasise, there is still a dearth of human data, and much of the literature regarding pressure strategies at birth remains in the domain of preclinical studies. The authors thus appropriately focused on the preclinical literature with regards to CPAP and PEEP levels, acknowledging that end-expiratory pressure remains the foundation of respiratory support. Table 1 and the accompanying text unfortunately do not fully achieve the authors stated aims of providing a summary of ‘the currently available literature’ concerning the ‘effect of different CPAP strategies in the very preterm lung at birth.’ Whilst this section provides a nice summary of six worthy studies arising predominantly from the authors’ own lab it cannot be considered inclusive or complete.

    The authors suggest that PEEP titration maybe useful during the respiratory transition. In 2014 we were the first to report the use of a high PEEP titration strategy at birth in preterm lambs, providing an escalating and then de-escalating PEEP (dynamic) strategy with transient PEEP levels up to 20 cmH2O. We demonstrated improved oxygenation and lung mechanic...

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  • Response to letter to the editor: ‘End-expiratory pressure during the respiratory transition: a more complex tale?’

    Tessa Martherus1, André Oberthuer2, Janneke Dekker1, Stuart B Hooper3,4, Erin V McGillick3,4, Angela Kribs2, Arjan B te Pas1

    1 Department of Paediatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
    2 Department of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
    3 The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia
    4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

    We thank the author for his interest in our review and for acknowledging that it is timely. In our review we cover the support of spontaneous breathing infants at birth with CPAP and discuss what CPAP pressures should be used. The clinical paper the author is referring to is beyond the scope of this review as the infants were 12-18 hours old and this is a completely different situation dealing with different pulmonary characteristics. In our opinion, mechanical ventilation and PEEP in intubated newborns has very little to contribute to this discussion other than indicating how end-expiratory pressures can improve lung aeration and that at high levels they have a negative impact on pulmonary blood flow and venous return. These points were adequately covered in the references cited and we also note that none of the author's papers report how high PEEP levels impact on pulmonary blood flow....

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  • The secret sauce: one ingredient

    Response to The secret sauce: secrets of high performing neonatal intensive care units
    Soghier and Short highlight the importance of local contextual factors in determining the success of improvement initiatives in neonatal units. They draw attention to a number of qualitatively assessed factors, many of which are prefixed by the adjectives “effective”, “active” and, “strong” reflecting the importance of leadership and team culture in effective organisations.

    Whilst contextual factor surveys might have a place in identifying the readiness of teams to undertake active improvement, they do little to assist organisations in improving their own readiness. The features of good healthcare leadership and team culture are not readily measured, and healthcare professionals in the UK have little or no training in the attitudes and skills necessary for leadership in quality improvement.

    The Institute for Healthcare Improvement has attempted to describe the features of a high quality healthcare organisation in some detail (1). The British Association of Perinatal Medicine has recently produced Quality Indicators relating to structures and processes relevant to Quality and Patient Safety in the context of current neonatal care in the UK (2), which it is hoped will create a basis for units to develop “quality-readiness”.

    There is reason to believe that collaboration across centres might add momentum to quality improvement (3). The UK, which has good access to...

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  • End-expiratory pressure during the respiratory transition: a more complex tale?

    I agree with the authors that the question of end-expiratory pressure at birth needs to focus on CPAP. As the authors highlight, the entirety of the preclinical literature has been performed in mechanically ventilated, intubated and sedated animals, and the role of PEEP on pulmonary blood flow during the actual respiratory transition is yet to be investigated. Neither of these limitations are insurmountable and I am confident the authors can rectify this gap in knowledge.
    The rapidly changing cardiorespiratory events immediately following birth and the concerns regarding with too low and too high a PEEP further emphasise the need for a dynamic approach to PEEP levels.

  • Validity and relevance of outcomes; the importance of core outcome sets

    I wish to comment about the outcomes you have selected for your study on gastroschisis and in particular caution against the use of 'primary closure' as an outcome at all. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, implicit in the use of primary closure as an outcome is a belief that it is either a good or bad thing. The literature would not support that either delayed closure or primary closure is superior, therefore it is impossible to know how to interpret a higher (or lower) rate of primary closure following either Caesarian section or vaginal delivery. Is a higher rate of primary closure good or bad? Secondly, the increasing use by paediatric surgeons of the preformed silo to manage return of the visceral contents to the abdominal cavity means that the closure technique may be prescribed rather than one that is dependent on other factors (such as mode of delivery). Its relevance therefore as an outcome is highly questionable.

    I note also that you encountered 'differences in definition of outcomes, choice of outcome measures and variation in reporting methods'. Such difficulties can be a real challenge in the context of a meta-analysis and preclude accurate evidence synthesis. One proposed way to address this challenge is the development and use of a Core Outcome Set. A Core Outcome Set is a set of outcomes that has been derived through consensus methodology across stakeholder groups as being the most important outcomes to measure in re...

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  • Response to comments of Dr Hutchon

    We would like to thank Dr. Hutchon for his considered letter and for highlighting a number of important points. We very much acknowledge his experience in the area of cord management at the time of delivery and his ongoing endeavours to advocate for appropriate cord management at the time of delivery(1). He correctly notes that there is no current formal policy for cord management at delivery for term newborn infants in our institution, which undoubtedly results in variability in practice. In a recently completed prospective study evaluating cardiac output in healthy term infants, we have noted that approximately one third of infants had early cord clamping and two thirds some form of placental transfusion, either as delayed or milking. Whilst we cannot be certain or draw any definitive inferences, it is likely that this same variability exits in our cohort of patients. The point related to ‘immediate transfer’ to the resuscitaire may be somewhat misleading. This    relates to once the cord is clamped, and not that the cord was immediately clamped in each case(2).  We acknowledge that this terminology may be confusing, and therefore cannot concur that our results relate to early cord clamping alone. It is also important to highlight that all our newborns were spontaneously breathing at delivery and did not require any assistance with adaptation.

    He makes a very valid comparison with oxygen saturation values in term infants highlighti...

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  • Respiratory adaptation in term infants following elective caesarean section and early cord clamping ?

    Finn et al (1) describe respiratory adaptation in term infants following elective caesarean section and the other intervention of early cord clamping(2). Although the timing of cord clamping was not documented and there is no policy for delayed cord clamping at Cork University Maternity Hospital, the authors state that the neonates were transferred immediately after birth to a Panda Resuscitator and other non-invasive monitoring equipment, thus requiring early cord clamping in all infants studied.

    The aim of the study was to define newborn physiological ventilation parameters (respiratory rate (RR), TV, end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2)) over the first minutes of life in healthy-term infants following ECS, in the same way that Dawson and colleagues(3) produced centile charts in 2010 detailing the normalisation of oxygen saturations over time during newborn adaptation after normal vaginal birth. All the babies studied by Dawson et al also experienced a transition of the circulatory system which was interrupted by early cord clamping but, in a study in 2014 by Smit et al(4), in which cord clamping was delayed by at least one minute, they showed that cord clamping had resulted in a lower oxygen saturation during the first few minutes after birth. The median SpO2 of the babies experiencing early cord clamping was 11, 7 and 4% lower at minute 1, 2 and 3 respectively. All these babies already had the advantage of a physiological preparation through the mechanical and hor...

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