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PC.96 NeoTRAIN – The National Neonatal Trainees Research and Audit Investigator Network
  1. N NeoTRAIN
  1. NeoTRAIN, National, UK


Research and audit are key aspects of clinical training but rotational training posts are a barrier to trainee led audit and research. Regional trainee led research networks have been used successfully by trainee groups in other specialities to overcome this. These groups have delivered high impact research in their fields.

We aim to establish a national trainee’s network allowing trainees to carry out UK wide research and audit despite the rotational nature of their training posts. Any NeoTRAIN member will be able to propose and carry out their research project using the NeoTRAIN network.

The network will be hierarchical with the Project Lead (s) supported by Regional Project Leads who are, in turn, supported by Local Trust Leads thus ensuring complete coverage of the participating units. Grid trainees will form the mainstay of the Regional Project Leads, however, any trainee may fulfil this role. Projects will be selected by the membership using a web based Delphi technique.

To establish contact links and proof of concept a national survey of all current grid trainee’s experiences and opinions of consultant delivered care was conducted. Trainees from 11 deaneries across the UK have joined the group to date. 8% of respondents work in centres with consultant delivered care. They feel that a resident consultant presence improves patient care and training opportunities. 92% would consider applying for a resident consultant post.

This survey has shown the feasibility of a establishing a nationwide Neonatal Trainees research network.

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