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PC.79 The impact of term expected admission on a tertiary neonatal unit
  1. A Nikjooy1,
  2. SV Rasiah2,
  3. AK Ewer1,2
  1. 1University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
  2. 2Birmingham Women’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK


Introduction Term expected admissions contribute to the existing workload of a neonatal unit. Our aim was to assess this workload, the categories of babies and future planning of the service.

Methods Badger clinical records were audited for all term (37+0 weeks and above) admissions to the neonatal unit (NNU) in the last 3 financial years (01/04/09 to 31/03/13). Data was audited for the reason for admission and their outcomes.

Abstract PC.79 Table

Conclusions The main reason for term expected admission was due to antenatal cardiac abnormalities. This contributed to 26.3% of expected admissions. Abstinence contributed to 23.8% of expected admissions. We need to review how babies with maternal history of substance misuse are managed. This information is important when considering future neonatal capacity planning and centralising services.

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