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Introduction Degradation in resuscitation skills is well documented and regular updates are helpful.1 We have published high neonatal resuscitation assessment failure rates in trainees certified as NLS providers.2 Our objectives were (a) to design an iPad application to assist revision of the Resuscitation Council (UK) NLS algorithm and (b) to assess staff opinion on the applications usability, usefulness and content.
Methods Separate areas of the application explain each step of the algorithm and the rationale behind it. Self assessment includes video footage asking the trainee what to do next. We postulated that this would help resuscitation algorithm revision. The application was piloted on a variety of staff and their views canvassed using a standard proforma.
Results Feedback from 40 staff (17 doctors, 15 nurses, 8 midwives) of whom 68% were NLS providers. All 40 liked the application interface and found it pitched at the correct level, 39/40 would use it prior to an NLS course, 36/40 for private study and 30/40 prior to a planned resuscitation. Thematic analysis of free text suggested video of real babies, more self assessments including more advanced cases would be useful.
Conclusions A resuscitation revision application is accessible and liked by staff. It cannot teach or assess technical skills but assists understanding of a resuscitation algorithm and provides video footage of practical skills. This application could provide pre-course revision and self-assessment before neonatal resuscitation courses. We plan to assess whether trainees using the application perform better in a standardised resuscitation assessment compared to historical controls.
Smith KK, Gilcreast D, Pierce K. Evaluation of staffs retention of ACLS and BLS skills. Resuscitation. 2008;78:59–65
Cusack J, Fawke J. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2012 Jul;97(4):F246–8. Epub 2011 Nov 17. PMID: 22102634
Additional Info The application will be demonstrated on an iPad alongside the poster.