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Aims To evaluate the use of the Cerebral Function Monitor (CFM) on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Royal Bolton Hospital (RBH).
Methods Recordings from the 72 infants that were placed on the CFM over a 21 month period were retrospectively analysed, along with their Badger discharge letters and last clinic follow up letters.
Results The use of the CFM machine has more than doubled since its introduction in September 2011.
We also identified some training issues with recognition of high impedance in some traces, use of markers on some traces and interpretation of CFM traces as documented in the badger summary.
Conclusion A normal CFM trace at commencement is associated with a good outcome, however, one should not prognosticate based on an abnormal trace at onset. There has been a trend towards increasing use of CFM at RBH over time. Ongoing training is needed for optimum usage and interpretation of the CFM traces.
Implications for practice Targeted training has been introduced for both medical and nursing staff and refresher sessions are held every 6 months. Liaison with IT department to get the CFM monitors networked for printing snapshots to include in patients notes has been achieved allowing for a standardised format for recording CFM findings in clinical notes.