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PA.37 Patient Satisfaction Survey of the Weight Management in Pregnancy Program
  1. T Raykova,
  2. R Karkia,
  3. S Stone
  1. St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester, UK


Background 18.5 % of childbearing age women are obese. Limiting weight gain in pregnancy is thought to reduce complications, but there is little evidence to guide practice. Many trials which aimed to implement a diet and exercise program have not shown benefit.

Objective To evaluate the Weight Management In Pregnancy Program organised at West Sussex NHS Trust by surveying patient satisfaction. Our aim was to use this information for the improvement of the service, thus reducing obesity-related complications in pregnancy.

Design Women with BMI > 30 referred to attend the Program at the time of 12-week booking scan were asked to complete a short survey. Data was collected between 1/12/2012 to 1/6/2013. Questions on the survey included frequency of attendance; reasons for regular attendance, attrition and non-attendance; overall satisfaction with the service and suggestions for improvements.


  • 60 patients completed the survey

  • 67% attended no sessions of the Program, 18% attended one session and 15% attended more than one.

  • Reasons for non-attendance included: Work/family commitments (47%), women felt the referral was inappropriate (22%) women unable to travel to meetings (17%), lack of information prior to referral or lack of information provided about the program (7%) and patient already seeking advice from other programs such as Slimming World (7%)


  • Attendance of the Program was poor

  • Early evening classes may improve attendance

  • Uptake to the Program may be increased by a more sensitive referral process and detailed explanation of the aims and format of the service.

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