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PMM.49 Overview of Maternal Medicine services at Milton Keynes Hospital, UK
  1. S Jindal
  1. Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Milton Keynes, UK


Introduction Maternal medicine is a sub-speciality which aims to bridge the gap between physicians, obstetricians and primary care team by providing the best individualised care plans beginning before conception, throughout pregnancy, labour and after childbirth.

Maternal Medicine Unit at Milton Keynes is a well established consultant led specialist service providing highest quality and evidence-based care in a collaborative setting of multidisciplinary teams at a local and regional (Oxford) level.

Aim To look at the current practice and demands of the maternal medicine services.

Results During the four month period from September 2013 to December 2013 (Figure 1), we received 60 new referrals in Maternal Medicine Unit. The total case load at Milton Keynes is approximately 3900 deliveries per year (around 1300 deliveries over four months). This constitutes about 4.6% (60 out of 1300) of all deliveries where these women would need care under the maternal medicine network.

All these 60 women received an individualised care plan with appropriate multidisciplinary input aiming to reduce the impact of maternal disease on the pregnancy and vice versa. Of these 60 women, 16 needed Cardiology review, 6 Neurology, 14 Haematology, 2 Respiratory, 3 Rheumatology, 16 Gastroenterology and 3 Nephrology review.

As shown (in pie chart) above the significant number of women needed input from Cardiology, Haematology and Gastroenterology.

Conclusion In Milton Keynes, about 4.6% pregnant women have existing medical conditions. To manage these high risk pregnant women, the collaborative services including Maternal Medicine Unit, multidisciplinary team reviews and combined clinics is the best possible option to ensure safer pregnancy and safer childbirth.

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