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PLD.54 The influence of Operator characteristics in the rate of Caesarean Section in the Second Stage of Labour
  1. M Higgins1,2,
  2. J Kingdom2
  1. 1Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University College Dublin, National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  2. 2Maternal Fetal Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada


Introduction The aim of this study was to identify operator characteristics that may influence the rate of CS in the second stage compared to overall rate of CS.

Methods Within this tertiary level unit in Canada, the labour ward is staffed full time by two trained obstetric staff, supported by trainees; the ultimate decisions regarding mode of delivery is made between staff and patient. Caesarean sections performed in the second stage of labour were identified from medical records and classified by the staff making the decision to perform the operation.

Results Between January 2007 and December 2012, 29,779 infants were delivered in Mount Sinai Hospital. Of these, 11,140 infants were delivered by caesarean section, of which 821 were CS in the second stage of labour (7.3% of all CS, 2.7% of all deliveries overall). Male obstetricians had a lower rate of CS in the second stage compared to female obstetricians (male 7.2% vs. female 9% p = 0.01). Staff practicing less than ten years since graduation had a higher rate of CS in the second stage than those with greater than ten years post graduation experience (11% (<10 years) vs. 7% (>10 years) p < 0.01).

Conclusion While fetal and maternal factors can influence the decision on mode of delivery in the second stage of labour, the personal characteristics of the operator may also have an effect. Operators may benefit from this knowledge in awareness of how this may affect their counselling of women.

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