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PLD.20 Postpartum haemorrhage: immediate management and failures of adherence to guidelines and prompt actions
  1. A Briley1,2,
  2. G Tydeman3,
  3. P Seed2,
  4. M Waterstone4,
  5. RM Tribe2,
  6. J Sandall2,
  7. S Bewley2
  1. 1Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
  2. 2King’s College London, London, UK
  3. 3NHS Fife, Kirkcaldy, UK
  4. 4Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, Dartford, UK


Background Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) remains a common cause of maternal morbidity globally. Widely available treatments exist to treat this common complication, yet incidence and associated morbidities are rising in resource rich countries. Reasons are likely to be complex and multifactorial. Traditional and novel risk factors have been implicated, but the impact of changing practice and guidelines require assessment.

Method Data were collected for 10,213 women giving birth in two south England maternity services 2008–2009. Information imported from NHS databases. Cases were randomly selected according to weighted sampling strategy for scrutiny of all maternity records. Details of management of the third stage and actions in response to PPH were collected.

Results Third stage management

Abstract PLD.20 Table
Abstract PLD.20 Table

Conclusion Despite NICE, RCOG and local guidelines Syntometrine® remains commonly used. High incidence of IV treatments may reflect caesarean births. Actions known to be effective at treating PPH may not be promptly instigated.

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