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PFM.59 Foetal Cardiac Anomalies: Antenatal detection rate following introduction of Outflow Tract Views and their perinatal outcomes
  1. DC Rajan,
  2. R Krishnamurthy,
  3. R Mupanemunda,
  4. S Patni
  1. Heart of England NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK


Objectives To ascertain the antenatal detection rate for cardiac anomalies at Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull Hospitals after the implementation of the FASP guidelines on obtaining outflow tract views.

Methods Data was collected retrospectively from multiple sources including foetal medicine, maternity information system and neonatal databases. Cases were identified via local foetal medicine referral criteria and cross-referenced against The West Midlands anomaly register. Perinatal data was retrieved locally and from the tertiary referral centre, Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Results Fifty seven patients were identified between July 2011 and December 2012 with cardiac abnormalities diagnosed both antenatally and postnatally. The incidence of cardiac anomalies including minor anomalies in this time period was 5.4/1000 births. The antenatal detection rate was 71% which is higher than the national predicted detection rate of 50%. The percentage of live births was 69%, termination of pregnancy and still birth were 26% and neonatal death was 4%. In the postnatal group, 20% babies were managed conservatively and the remaining underwent surgical repair.

Conclusion Following the implementation of FASP guidelines, our detection rates are higher than the national average. This audit further emphasises the need for routine examination of outflow tract view to achieve better detection rates antenatally. Though the use of Colour Flow Doppler is not a mandatory requirement for screening, its use may provide additional information which could lead to improved detection of Congenital Heart Diseases.

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