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A comparison of different mask holds for positive pressure ventilation in a neonatal manikin


Background Ventilation during neonatal resuscitation is typically initiated with a face mask, but may be ineffective due to leak or obstruction.

Objective To compare leak using three methods of mask hold.

Methods Medical and nursing staff regularly involved in neonatal resuscitation used the three holds (two-point, two-handed, spider) on a manikin in a random order to apply positive pressure ventilation (PPV) at standard settings each for 1 min while mask leak was recorded.

Results Participants (n=53) varied in experience (1–23 years) and hand size. Combined median (IQR) leak was 14 (2–46)% and was not different among the holds.

Conclusions There was no difference in the leak measured using the three different mask holds.

  • Neonatology
  • Respiratory

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