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PL.93 Caring For the Parturient: Valorisation of Care Received During Labour, Delivery and Postpartum
  1. M Ferreira,
  2. P Nelas,
  3. G Aparício
  1. Polytechnic Institute of Viseu - School Health - CI&DETS, Viseu, Portugal


Background Childbirth is a remarkable experience in the life of women and her family, so health professionals (obstetric doctor and nurse), should adopt a set of practises that promote healthy labour and birth, including respect for the physiological process and dynamic of each birth.

Objective To analyse the relationship between sociodemographic and obstetric variables with the valorisation of care received during labour and postpartum.

Method A quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study, consisted of 386 women interned in the obstetrics service of the Portuguese public hospitals who received a questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic variables, care provided, action before pain, social and familial support, attention to wellbeing and attention to postpartum/discharge.

Results The puerperal women were aged between 19 and 37 years, mostly married (79.5%). 34.5% have secondary education, 70.2% perform a work activity and 50% are primiparous. Parity, surveillance of pregnancy, preparation for childbirth and parenting time and hours in labour (this inversely), influence the importance of the care received in relation to the action before the pain and attention to the wellbeing.

Conclusion The orientation of obstetric care according to the woman allows for active participation in her birth plan, a sense of control, improves her self esteem and their level of satisfaction with the care received.

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