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Objectives (1) To establish a cost consequence evaluation following introduction of routine use of carbetocin for all Caesarean Sections (CS) at Southmead Hospital.
Methods Following routine introduction of carbetocin for all CS (elective and emergency) at Southmead Hospital in April 2012 we have demonstrated a reduction in theatre recovery time and also need for additional 3rd stage management compared with historical data from pre-carbetocin (Abstract No: PL.16).
We have economically modelled the financial cost of introducing carbetocin, using estimated costs as indicated (table 1).
Conclusion Using real life data following routine introduction of carbetocin, economic modelling demonstrates only a small increase in drug cost per patient (carbetocin £7.78 v syntocinon £6.37). In addition reduced theatre recovery time has potential midwifery staffing cost efficiencies of up to £189,000 pa.