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Labour and Delivery Posters
An observational study of induction of labour (IOL) in women with pelvic girdle pain (PGP)
  1. R Northridge,
  2. A Goh,
  3. A Nicoll
  1. Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, United Kingdom


Background Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is common and management is generally supportive, in conjunction with physiotherapy and the use of analgesia. In Ninewells Hospital, Dundee there was a perception that the number of women requesting induction of labour (IOL) for PGP was increasing and that women were at increased risk of operative delivery.

Aims To determine the frequency of IOL for PGP in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee and to examine obstetric outcomes for these women.

Methods Data were collected retrospectively from all women who had IOL for PGP between 28/11/10-27/11/11. Information regarding obstetric outcomes was obtained from local maternity database.

Results 1172/4536(25.8%) women were admitted for IOL. 32/1172(0.09%) had IOL for PGP. 26/32(81%) were multiparous women with a median parity of 1 (Range = 0-5). The median gestation at the time of IOL was 270 days (Range = 263-292 days). 26/32(81%) had IOL prior to the estimated date of delivery. 26/32(81%) received controlled release PGE2 pessary. 21/32(65.6%) had active labour of less than 8 hours. 17/32(53%) had intra-partum epidural anaesthesia. 23/32(72%) had spontaneous vaginal delivery, 1/32(3%) required operative vaginal delivery and 8/32 (25%) required Caesarean Section.

Conclusions IOL for PGP is uncommon. The majority of women were multiparous, a group known to have a higher incidence of PGP. Most women had a vaginal delivery and the caesarean section rate in this group is similar to the background rate for Ninewells Hospital. Nevertheless caution should be still be exercised when offering IOL for PGP and it should be reserved for severe cases.

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