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Maternal Medicine Posters
Placenta percreta with haemoperitoneum in early mid-trimester: conservative management with good obstetric outcome
  1. R Rana1,2,
  2. N Agarwal2,
  3. E Chandraharan2
  1. 1Watford General Hospital, Watford, United Kingdom
  2. 2St George's University Hospital, Tooting, United Kingdom


Placenta percreta is a rare and potentially life-threatening complication of pregnancy. Its incidence has been increasing and is reported to be 1 in 533 deliveries. Placenta percreta is characterised by penetration of the chorionic villi through the myometrial and serosal layer of the uterus thought to be due to a partial or complete absence of decidua basalis. Placenta percreta is usually diagnosed during the third stage of labour when attempts to remove the placenta result in massive obstetric haemorrhage. Rarely, a silent haemoperitoneum can occur antenatally, without uterine rupture. This may pose a management dilemma to the obstetrician. We describe a case of placenta percreta with haemoperitoneum at early gestation of 16 weeks managed conservatively with elective ceasarean section at 34 weeks with conservation of uterus.

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