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Practical obstetric management training – an innovative approach
  1. A Thompson1,
  2. F Stewart1,
  3. C White1,
  4. S O'Kane2
  1. 1Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom
  2. 2Antrim Area Hospital, Antrim, United Kingdom


Background Obstetric and midwifery practice requires a highly skilled, informed team, who communicate effectively within an environment prepared for acute emergencies. Frontline staff can be exposed to Obstetric emergencies infrequently, so we have introduced a programme which simulates these scenarios allowing the clinical staff and the environment to be tested when lives are not at risk, and mistakes can be tolerated and corrected.

PRactical Obstetric Multiprofessional Training (PROMPT) within the Maternity Service of The Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) has been evolved from extensive multiprofessional work across two maternity sites in Northern Ireland, Causeway Hospital and Antrim Area Hospital. The NHSCT is the first trust in Northern Ireland to introduce this in house method of simulated training.

Method In March 2008, two midwives, an obstetrician and anaesthetist attended a “Prompt” implementation day. Subsequently, a “Prompt” Faculty was established and training commenced Trust wide. The impact of PROMPT training has been measured by both qualitative analysis by participants completing anonymous feedback forms and the quantification of clear outcome measures.

Key outcomes 51% reduction in number of women who experience Post Partum Haemorrhage > 1500mls.

15% reduction in number of babies with Apgar < 7.

27% reduction in incidence of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term infants.

Programme runs on both sites 12 times per year with staff attendance of 100%.

Conclusion The Prompt faculty is a multi-professional team ensuring close partnership and learning on a continuous basis influencing practice, training days and systems.

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